Improving the employee experience through communication

The way companies and employees connect is undergoing a revolution. Whether you work in internal comms, HR, IT or advocacy, you are now an employee experience (EX) professional—and this is your time to lead the change.

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Welcome to what’s next in EX

Regardless of company size or industry, success comes from people doing their best work. That’s why at least 40% of Fortune 100 companies are actively improving the employee experience. Find out how they’re connecting with every worker, and how to apply their techniques at your own organization. 

Attune All In will examine the hurdles and triumphs of U.S. Steel and Dow, and explore what they’re doing to engage their workforces at every point in the employee journey. Plus, you’ll get an inside look at how SocialChorus and Dynamic Signal have come together to make these transformations possible.

Speakers and sessions

Attune All In will feature sessions and interviews with influential industry names delving into the challenges, breakthroughs and future promise of the employee experience.

Internal communications and EX: Then vs. now​

Find out what caused U.S. Steel to shift away from top-down mass communications in favor of relevant content that engages people and starts conversations.

Featured Speaker

John Ambler

Vice President & Chief Communications and Brand Management Officer ❘ U.S. Steel

Achieving ROI on employee experience improvements

Learn how Dow is engaging employees and gathering valuable insights at each stage of the employee journey, from recruitment and onboarding to alumni status.

Featured Speakers

Christine Miller​

Director, Employee Engagement & Reputation, North American Public Affairs ❘ Dow


Jennifer Holzinger​

Global HR & Employee Communications ❘ Dow

DEX vision: What the future holds for the modern employee​

Venture into the employee experience of the future, where engagement data helps companies combat burnout, prevent churn and ensure psychological safety for all employees.

Featured Speaker

Jed Brown

Chief Product Officer ❘ Firstup

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