Chuck Gose

Head of Community & Industry Insights

As senior strategic advisor at SocialChorus, Chuck Gose works directly with communication teams on creating and launching new internal comms content and channel strategies. He also hosts the “Culture, Comms & Cocktails” podcast, which regularly features the stories (and cocktail recommendations) of internal communications experts. Not one to shy away from the stage, Chuck speaks regularly at communication and marketing events, including IABC World Conference, PRSA Connect, EuroComm, Corporate Communication Expo, and CIPR Inside. His presentations focus on expanding the role of internal communications and delivering new ways to challenge the profession’s traditional ways of thinking. 

Chuck is the founder of ICology (a community for internal communicators), the co-creator of the Periodic Table of Internal Communications, and the co-author of The Very Hungry Communicator. He also got to fly in a blimp once. You can follow Chuck on Twitter @chuckgose.